News 2024

Plugins v1.18.0 released

We have released A.O.M. Audio Plug-ins version 1.18.0.

Plugins v1.18.0-b.1 released

We have released A.O.M. Audio Plug-ins version 1.18.0-b.1.

This version is technical preview. Avoid using in production environment.

Download Page:

Interoperability to Cubase 14

We have tested A.O.M. Audio Plugins 1.17.2 with Cubase 14. An interoperability problem has been found.

Affected Plugin
Track Symbiosis
Cubase 14 shows “Cubase has become unstable” message when one closes plugin window while “Graph Range” popup menu of Track Symbiosis is shown.
One kind of “use-after-release” bug.
We are planning to fix this issue in future update release.
Avoid closing plugin window while any popup window is shown.

Please contact helpdesk when you find any other problems.

Reseller Change

We have changed our certified reseller to FastSpring.

Interoperability to Studio One Pro 7 and Ableton Live 12

We have tested A.O.M. Audio Plugins 1.17.2 with Studio One Pro 7 and Ableton Live 12. No interoperability problem was found as of now. Please contact helpdesk when you find any problems.

Interoperability to macOS 15 Sequoia

We have tested A.O.M. Audio Plugins 1.17.2 with macOS 15 Sequoia. No interoperability problem was found as of now. Please contact helpdesk when you find any problems.

Announcement of Price Change

We have updated our product prices along to the news release on 2024-04-18.

Interoperability to Logic Pro 11

We have tested A.O.M. Audio Plugins 1.17.2 with Logic Pro 11. No interoperability problem was found as of now. Please contact helpdesk when you find any problems.

Announcement of Price Change

A.O.M. will change our product price on 2024-08-01 as the table below.

Product Option Current Price JPY (excl. tax) Planned Price JPY (excl. tax)
Cyclic Panner Perpetual 7,700 8,400
Cyclic Panner 1-year to Perpetual extension 5,720 6,300
DeSibilizer Perpetual 16,500 18,000
DeSibilizer 1-year to Perpetual extension 12,320 13,500
Invisible Limiter Perpetual 13,200 14,500
Invisible Limiter 1-year to Perpetual extension 9,790 10,875
Invisible Limiter G2 Perpetual 22,000 24,200
Invisible Limiter G2 1-year to Perpetual extension 16,500 18,150
Invisible Limiter G2 Upgrade from Invisible Limiter 10,890 12,100
Invisible Limiter G3 Perpetual 22,000 24,200
Invisible Limiter G3 1-year to Perpetual extension 16,500 18,150
Invisible Limiter G3 Upgrade from Invisible Limiter 15,400 16,940
Invisible Limiter G3 Upgrade from Invisible Limiter G2 11,000 12,100
Kujaku Perpetual 13,200 14,500
Kujaku 1-year to Perpetual extension 9,900 10,875
Nu Compressor Perpetual 33,000 30,000
Nu Compressor 1-year to Perpetual extension 24,750 22,500
Sakura Dither Perpetual 16,500 18,000
Sakura Dither 1-year to Perpetual extension 12,320 13,500
Stereo Imager D Perpetual 7,700 8,400
Stereo Imager D 1-year to Perpetual extension 5,720 6,300
Tau Compressor Plus Perpetual 7,700 8,400
Tau Compressor Plus 1-year to Perpetual extension 5,720 6,300
Total Bundle 1-year 11,000 12,500
Track Symbiosis Perpetual 7,700 8,400
Track Symbiosis 1-year to Perpetual extension 5,720 6,300
tranQuilizr Perpetual 13,200 14,500
tranQuilizr 1-year to Perpetual extension 9,790 10,875
tranQuilizr G2 Perpetual 16,500 18,000
tranQuilizr G2 1-year to Perpetual extension 12,320 13,500
tranQuilizr G2 Upgrade from tranQuilizr 8,250 9,000
Wave Shredder Perpetual 7,700 8,400
Wave Shredder 1-year to Perpetual extension 5,720 6,300

Plugins v1.17.2 released

We have updated A.O.M. Audio Plug-ins to version 1.17.2.

Interoperability to WaveLab 12

We have tested A.O.M. Audio Plugins 1.17.1 with WaveLab 12. No interoperability problem was found as of now. Please contact helpdesk when you find any problems.