Invisible Limiter

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Invisible Limiter 1年ライセンス または Total Bundle 1年ライセンス

本ライセンスはInvisible Limiter用です。Invisible Limiter G2、Invisible Limiter G3ではお使いいただけませんのでご注意ください。



Invisible Limiterはマスタリング向けリミッター・マキシマイザーです。サウンドへの色付けが少なく、音量を上げても音のなまりやポンピングが発生しません。16倍までのオーバーサンプリングに対応し、オーバーサンプリング動作時はサンプル間ピークに対応したリミッティング動作となります。マスタリング最終段でリミッティングでの使用を想定しています。



Invisible Limiterを使うことで、サウンドが損なわれるのを最小にしたまま、必要なだけ音量を上げることができます。Invisible Limiterは、オリジナルとリミットされたサウンドの差を最小化するように動作します。



ユニティゲイン・モニタリングを有効にすると、「INPUT GAINで音量を上げたのと同じだけ、自動的に出力段で音量を下げる」という動作をします。自動的に音量を下げてモニタすることで、リミット前後でモニタ音量が変化しなくなり、純粋にリミッティングで変化したサウンドのみを評価することができるようになります。




Invisible LimiterではOVERSAMPLINGパラメータで最大16倍までのオーバーサンプリング動作が可能です。

Intersample Peak


バージョン1.18.0よりInvisible Limiterは通常版「Invisible Limiter」と低遅延版「Invisible Limiter LL」に分かれ、それぞれ別個のプラグインとして提供されます。どちらも同一のInvisible Limiterライセンスでお使いいただけます。

Invisible Limiter Invisible Limiter LL
プラグイン遅延 50.5〜52.2msec 5.5〜7.2msec

開発履歴 (主な変更点)

Version 1.18.0 (2024-12-27)
低レイテンシ動作をInvisible Limiter LLに分離
Version 1.15.3 (2022-09-09)
Version 1.14.0 (2022-03-31)
CPU負荷を最大40%低減 (Suppressモードを除く)
Version 1.11.4 (2021-03-15)
Version 1.10.2 (2020-03-01)
macOS版でCPU負荷を前バージョンの60%に削減 (削減幅40%)
Version 1.7.3 (2015-05-03)
Version 1.7.2 (2014-03-31)
Version 1.6.1 (2013-10-06)
Version 1.6.0 (2013-09-27)
Version 1.5.0 (2013-04-28)
Version 1.4.2 (2013-01-26)
Unity Gain Monitoring機能を追加
Version 1.3.0 (2011-05-04)


“Invisible Limiter is one of the best limiters I’ve heard - super easy to use. I heard a bunch of other producers raving about it on tour, so I checked it out for myself” — Morgan Page

日本が世界に誇るオーディオプラグインソフトウェアの至宝、それがInvisible Limiterです。



Invisible Limiterは「ディティールを保ったまま聴感上の音量を上げる」という目的において、私の知る限り地球上で最も素晴らしい仕事をします。しかも、面倒で複雑怪奇なパラメーターに悩む必要はありません。レベルノブを上げるだけで、失われるディテールを最小限にとどめたオーディオを作ることが出来ます。


Yasuhiro Nakashima (作曲家)


Invisible limiterが音楽的に良い結果を出すケースは多数あります。マルチバンドプロセッサーでは失われがちである音の輪郭や帯域の相互関係など、素材が本来持っている要素を保ちながら十分なエネルギーを与えることが可能で、不完全なミックスを扱っていて意図せず高いピークを抑えた時でも自然なリダクションが行なわれ、素材の本来の姿は守られます。




Aurtas (作曲家、マスタリングエンジニア)

Japanese manufacture A.O.M. have established their name within the audio industry for their range of top quality M/S tools, so when I came to learn they had developed a brick-wall limiter, they certainly got my attention. Entitled ‘The Invisible Limiter’, A.O.M. have come at this challenge with a perspective of transparency and simplicity. The GUI design is stripped back, no frills, equipped with 10 controls used to sculpt the dynamics of source material. Lets be honest, there is no shortage of dynamic processors available on the market nowadays, so to stand out you need to come with something special and I believe A.O.M. have done just that.

For those who like to be greeted with response controls such as attack and release may be initially put off to find the developers have opted for an automatic design. In my initial testing, for the variety of source material I threw at this plugin, its adaptive algorithm has been very well tailored to provide optimum results in the majority of circumstances.

The plugin loads its default state in L/R mode whereby the Left and Right hand channels are processed separately, this can be adjusted to M/S mode whereby the Mid and Stereo signals can be independently processed. The audible result of this is that the Mono content is limited harder than the stereo image so for the majority of music, the weight of the track in mono receives more limitation while subsequently stereo content has more room to breath, the end result is a slightly wider sound with more ‘air’ and less high frequency attenuation.

You have two shape modes for the limiter, logarithmic and linear, as the name suggests, the logarithmic curve is slightly more rounded and less aggressive whereas the linear curve is a lot more precise. I found the logarithmic curves better suited for acoustic material at slower tempos and the linear curve better for faster tempo electronic music. One thing I did notice was slightly more transient distortion in the linear mode, presumably this is caused by the nadir in the reduction curve and how the signal stops its downward motion and returns back to increasing amounts.

The oversampling feature allows you to change anywhere from 1x to 16x oversampling, higher values result in cleaner sound quality but substantially more CPU with each incremental jump. To give you an idea of this, I am currently testing on a 2012 Mac Pro, 12 core 64GB ram machine. On 1x my cpu was riding at around 4%, when I increased the oversampling to 16x my CPU usage meter went up to 76%.

There are 2 different latency modes to choose from Normal and Low. In normal mode my system was reporting latency of 52ms which in a mastering environment really isn’t a problem but in a mixing environment this is just a bit too much in reality. So at a slight compromise in audio quality you can choose a low latency mode which reduced its computational processing time down to 7ms on my system.

There are three different overshoot modes, these change the way the limiter deals with digital peaks that slip through the net, you have a choice of suppression which removes overshoots by adding small amounts of gain reduction to the output ceiling, clipping which literally clips overshoots and a thru option which just allows them to pass through. As for which one is the best to use generally, I would say its contextually dependent. If you are not riding close to digital 0dB then using the thru option should be fine also this settings works if you were to be chaining limiters together. The Clipping option is fine as long as you are not hitting the limiter particularly hard otherwise the audible result can be slightly unpleasing. As for the suppression mode, this is kind of the best of both worlds as long as you don’t have a very strict volume standard that you are trying to comply to.

In summary: I am always on the hunt for dynamic processors that take audio quality to the next level, in my pursuit for finding the ultimate brick-wall limiter with the lowest distortion characteristic I have tried a number of pretty impressive pieces of hardware and software. Many plugins available today combine multiple different DSP processing tasks into one unit, where as others concentrate on simply doing one thing and doing it really well. There is a overriding sense when you use ‘the invisible limiter’, that A.O.M. have designed their product with a very clear intention; to be the cleanest dynamic limiter with the lowest point of distortion. If your goal is to slam source material to make it super loud or simply cap any dynamic peaks to avoid digital clipping, the invisible limiter is as the name suggests, ‘transparent’. This truly is one of the most impressive pieces of dynamics processing technology I have ever used.

Matthew Zouhar Lewis — Sound Designer


システム要件 (Windows)


x64互換 CPU


  • Windows 10 22H2 (64bit only)
  • Windows 11 23H2
  • Windows 11 24H2


VST2, VST3, AAX-Native, CLAP

対応ホスト (DAW)

  • Ableton Live
  • Audition
  • Bitwig Studio
  • Cakewalk by BandLab
  • Cubase
  • DaVinci Resolve Fairlight
  • Digital Performer (VST2 only)
  • FL Studio
  • iZotope RX (VST2 only)
  • Nuendo
  • Premiere Pro
  • Pro Tools
  • Samplitude
  • Sequoia
  • Studio One
  • VEGAS Pro
  • Waveform
  • WaveLab


システム要件 (Mac)


Intel / Apple Silicon


  • macOS Big Sur 11
  • macOS Monterey 12
  • macOS Ventura 13
  • macOS Sonoma 14
  • macOS Sequoia 15


VST2, VST3, Audio Unit, AAX-Native, CLAP

対応ホスト (DAW)

  • Ableton Live
  • Audition
  • Bitwig Studio
  • Cubase
  • DaVinci Resolve Fairlight
  • Digital Performer (Audio Unit only)
  • Final Cut Pro X
  • FL Studio
  • GarageBand
  • iZotope RX (VST2 only)
  • Logic Pro X
  • LUNA
  • Nuendo
  • Premiere Pro
  • Pro Tools
  • Studio One
  • Waveform
  • WaveLab



  • サンプルレート 44.1kHz〜384kHz対応
  • 内部64bit浮動小数点演算
  • プラグインレイテンシ補償
  • ファクトリープリセット
  • ユーザプリセット
  • スナップショット
  • Undo/Redo
  • パラメータリセット